(October 17, 1998)

Sigh. Modern and past, I never realized how much love for another human being could be so healing and warm.
...Until now.
Intimate. Curing. I simply cannot explain it any other way. These are my life's stolen moments...and I wish I could just announce to the world of my happiness, my rapture. I want to express to the world that the most valuable human commodity we can all produce is love. Pure and simple.
But I won't. After all, a woman's gotta have SOME secrets, right? :) I'll get off my tangent now. I just really had to let that out. You won't hear that again.
I haven't been up to too much, lately. Actually, last week was my least busiest week since the school year started. It was blissful! I didn't get that much extra sleep, but it was nice being able to come home right after school, and laying down, enjoying the afternoon. I have to enjoy it while it lasts, because that too will go away soon.
My last swing dance lesson is today, and Brianne is going to come over soon to teach me what I missed last week because of Shorecrest's homecoming. (Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about that!) I went with Sean O'Suna, my friend from jazz camp. It was a lot of fun, although I didn't appreciate too much all the couples on the dance floor who were being utterly and thoroughly vile. I mean, they would not STOP. A grab here, a caress there. Sheesh people, get a ROOM! So we left the dance early and went back to Sean's, where we listened to his dad play jazz guitar for a while. He is really, REALLY good....he has even written a ballet. All in all, it was a great evening. I will never have linguini in marinara sauce with scallops that good again!!
Last night, Nathan conducted Chorale. It was so sad. Sigh...I mean, he has really, really missed teaching....and it was apparent afterwards. He always conducts con amore....and the Earth weeps because he is not teaching. I can't wait until he gets back in the saddle. The world better watch out!
There is a lot more I have to say, but considering I would be publishing my inner-most thoughts, I think I'll hold off on that. If any of you out there are wondering what else is going on in this head of mine, just email me, and maybe I'll tell you :)

