(October 3, 1998)

Wow....it's been a long time since I last wrote. I never realized how busy one could be in the month of September. I wouldn't mind being busy so much, if I could get it configured differently. You know? Like, spread out in sparser incriments. Oh well. I'd say that things have gotten considerably easier, though. Actually, I'd even go as far to say that things have been really good. For a while, I felt debilitated from planning the music retreat, running Impressions auditions, and working on my own All Northwest audition. Well, all three of those are over now, so I can focus more on school and having a social life.
My All Northwest audition went okay. I feel like I could have done better, and that makes me upset, but there's not much I can do about that. It doesn't matter anymore. Tapes have been sent, and I don't find out if I made it in until November 30th. Alas, alack! That's two whole months away! It's gonna drive me nuts! The anticipation of it all! Sorry to get so melodramatic, but this is just so nerve-shattering.
So, I guess I should update everyone on what else has been going on. Lately I've been taking some swing dance lessons at the Edmonds Parks and Recreation Center, which has been totally cool. I really feel as though I'm learning something and I'm doing pretty well. I'm taking them with Kristin, Brianne, Jared, and Melissa. The only problem is that there are twice as many girls as there are guys, so we have to share Jared a lot. (That sounds extremely provocative.) We're hoping to get more guys signed up for Advanced swing when we get to that point. Let's see....what else. I've also started doing this thing with Liz, her mom, (yer mom!) Molly and Nathan called Chorale. They're doing Mozart's Requiem (all of it!!) and Mozart's Vesperae Solennes De Confessore. Pretty heavy literature. I have a good head start though, since I did part of the Requiem my sophomore year (Dies Irae, Confutatis, and Lacrimosa). The tenors in my section are interesting. The one who sits to the left of me only sings when he is absolutely sure he knows the part, but he has a beautiful voice when he actually decides to sing. The one to the right of me sings the whole time, can sight-read really well, but his voice sucks. The one sitting next to him just doesn't sing at all :) They're all very nice gentlemen, though. The one to the left of me (I don't know their names) wouldn't believe me when I told him how old I was. "You look like you're well into your twenties, young lady!" I am glad Nathan is doing Chorale, too. The bass section needs him! Besides, he's a fun guy, and even though his crazy antics and devestatingly witty retorts get annoying after a while, he's still great to be around. You never fully realize how much you miss a person that you're used to seeing every day until you hardly see them at all. I know we'll be friends for life.
Let's see....my dad finally came back from Greece. Party's over :( I had some fun times when he was gone, but I guess it was pretty cool to see him again. He had a relaxing time, but he missed us, according to him. I love that old schmuck, even though he annoys the hell out of me sometimes. Well, more often than sometimes.
Lately I've been emailing Leith Anderson and Debbie Benn a lot. I've realized that out of my friends who have graduated, I miss them the most. They're both going to separate colleges. Debbie is going to Washington State University and Leith is going to Pacific Lutheran University. "I hope my roomate isn't a self-righteous son of a bitch!" :) Sigh. I absolutely adore Leith. And Debbie, too. More on that later. Perhaps I'll devote an entire journal entry to them :)
Time to go....I'll write more in a couple of days!

