(November 17, 1998)

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."


Oh, wait....you thought this was going to be another one of those morose, saturnine, depressingly morbid journal entries right?

Made ya look!

I cannot even begin to fathom the depths of my happiness! Yes, emotional roller-coaster ride is officially going up-hill, folks. Yesterday I found out that I was accepted into the All Northwest Jazz Ensemble! In case no one really knows or really cares how huge of an honor this is, I will explain. Basically, you audition for a spot in the group. If you make it, you're Inn like Flynn with everything in the world. Making it in means you received one out of only two available spots in the entire Northwestern United States for your voice part. I got one out of only two available Alto II spots in the Northwest! That's SIX count 'em SIX states! That is such an accomplishment and an honor to be able to work with the finest musicians out of Washington, Alaska, Oregon, Montana, Wyoming and Idaho!! I feel so....so prestigious! Liz Cherry, a friend of mine also got in as a Soprano I, and my best buddy Steve Treseler made the Jazz Band on tenor sax :)


Anyhow, that's all I have to really say right now. Kind of funny, have you noticed that my happy, more up-beat journal entries consist of less content? Hmm...:)

