(November 28, 1998)

So...like, Brianne is becoming a meatatarian.

Yes folks, that's right....she's leaving the Light Side and joining the Right Side!! ;) Heh. I actually did not have any reservations about her being a vegetarian, but I like to tease her about it. I am quite proud of her, though. It takes a helluva lot of guts to atone for such blasphemy.

Heh heh. >:)

Things are going remarkably well lately. Today I have a performance with the Christmas quartet (well, the Pseudo-Christmas-Quartet more like it) at the Edmonds Tree Lighting Parade. Then, I get to see Leith again (yay!) and hang out with him and Nathan. He claims to own one of the funniest and most sexually repulsive movies that has ever existed on this glum Earth.

I cannot wait to see it!

Thanksgiving was more or less...well, embarassing. It was a metaphysical tennis match between "What's Right" and "Who Cares?" I would say "What's Right" was losing quite miserably. My parents just refuse to listen to reason. I consider myself quite a logical and rational person, and they're....well, not. I still cannot see how I am related to any of those people. I demand a DNA test! Well...my brother's actually really not bad, and I can see the resemblance there, but that's about it. I swear I was hatched from an egg. That would explain a lot of my behavioral problems.

I mean, I just LOVE poultry.

I am starting not to make sense, and perhaps it is the fact that I hardly slept last night, but nonetheless I am outtie. Perhaps I will write more later, but I do not know.

