(July 30, 1998)

"Mmm....kinda tastes like bubble solution." --Michael Spiz.
Yeah yeah, so what if I like to blow bubbles? Complain complain....that's all you can do, Mike. Just kidding. I wouldn't want to eat vapid, savorless nacho chips with bubble solution on them, either.
Anyway, Michael and I finally finished the website today. Now, I can update vagary much, much more often. I have so many tales to tell. Last Saturday was such an enlightening experience for me. As a lot of you already know, it was "Goth Night" for myself, Brianne, Debbie and Rob. We just decided to dress up Gothic for fun, to see what it was like. It took us nearly four hours to get all ready. I wore a small black velvet dress, a fur coat, silver fishnet tights, platform shoes....then I painted my face completely white with vexatious little spirals all over the place. I also had on false eyelashes....and truthfully, they annoyed the hell out of me, and it took several hours to get the stupid @#$&*! glue off my eyelids, but all in all it was worth it. Brianne spiked her hair straight up--I mean, five inch vertical tufts of hair all over the place. I drew a cobweb on her face, and she looked SCARY. Debbie looked sweet, because--well, that's just the way Debbie is. She had little butterflies coming out her eyes. Rob just plain looked like the Crow, and he looked pretty damn cool. He looks great in pleather pants!
So, we all decided to go around and visit people, but we hardly found anybody at home. So we all went to the Sharis in Lynnwood. Immediately upon entering, we all got into character--and prepared ourselves for lots of positive AND negative attention. The first thing someone said to us was, "What concert did you guys just come from?" Ugh. There were at least 20 pairs of eyes on us in that small, cramped eating venue. We were finally seated, and had a meal that was barely palatable, but that's okay--it's Sharis. Upon leaving, Brianne saw her boss, immediately freaked, and turned her head away. It was definitely a close call.
On our way to Broadway, we passed several people in cars who flipped us off and made several odd and obscene gestures. Not only that, but people would lean out their cars just to go, "WOW!!!" It was exhilerating, in a bizarre way. I personally loved every minute of the attention we got. Negative or positive.
We were going to go to Sarah Smith's house on our way to Broadway, but she wasn't home, and we almost got into an accident, so we just decided to head on down there without any distraction. Impossible? Well, yes.
Walking on Broadway was AWESOME! We got so many compliments from the normal everyday freaks we normally wouldn't talk to. And they were all so benevolent. We met tons of cool people that night on Broadway. We got several negative comments too, everything from singing "THE FREAKS COME OUT AT NIGHT!" to "So, I hear the circus is in town?" Debbie at once retorted, "Yeah!! You wanna come?!" It was hilarious at that. We decided to end our journey with grabbing some cokes at the Hurricane Cafe (which, upon arrival, we received TONS of compliments) and then we went and all crashed at Brianne's humble abode. All in all, it was a great evening.
I learned so much that night. It is so refreshing to step into another persona and see what life is like from that perspective. I have always had respect for Gothic people for being able to dress like that and not care, but now I am just in awe at their level of self esteem. I now know WHY they do it. It makes them feel good. Some might find that hard to believe--after all, you ARE dressing like a "freak" right? Not so. The art work is actually hard to do...you have to be quite an artist and have immense creativity. I personally think it's beautiful, and I have full respect for them being able to make such a statement without fear of being ridiculed. And besides--the attention is GREAT. :) Anyway, my point is, Gothic people have to have a very high self-esteem. And I think as long as they're not hurting anybody, they should be able to dress however they want.
Well enough of my Goth story. I'll have some pictures up on this site soon of our lovely little evening. :) Lets see, what else happened this week....well on Monday I had dinner at Michael's house, with Adam, Nathan and Michael's parents. The food was absolutely incredible and CERTAINLY palatable--I felt as though Mrs. Spiz specifically placated my taste-buds--what, is she clairevoyant? Anyway, they are a nice, humble, Polish family. The evening was so much fun. It was so nice seeing old friends again and just hanging out. I hope we can do it more often!
I stayed up really late last night again, being the insomniac that I am (or, insomniyuck, as a dear friend of mine once told me). I watched the story of Cyrano De Bergerac until 4:00am. Sigh. What wit Cyrano had! He had more eloquence in his little pinkie than most people have in their whole body. MOST anyway. I know that is a sweeping generalization but I don't feel that I have met enough witty people in this world. Anwyay, if you don't know who Cyrano De Bergerac is, I encourage you to read the book. It's excellent. It's all about a French poet who isn't well....let's just say he isn't blindingly handsome...he's got a huge nose, and he's in love with a young woman named Roxann--but she is in love with another man, Cyrano's handsome friend, Christian. Cyrano would love to court and woo Roxann, but he fears she would not love him because of his face. So, he decides to help out Christian by sending Roxann love letters signed in Christian's name (since he hasn't an ounce of wit in his whole body). He also tells Christian exactly what to say underneath Roxann's balcony, so she is led to believe that she is in love with Christian (but in reality she is in love with Cyrano's soul--however she doesn't know this--nice dramatic irony, huh?) Anyway, I'm not going to spoil the ending for you, but I just want to say that it is one of the most touching and beautiful love stories I have ever read/viewed. Call me a hopeless romantic, call me old-fashioned--but I would just LOVE to be wooed like that! Sigh. I am such a sucker for romance.
Anyway, that is all for now. This is a LONG journal entry. It makes up for the times I didn't write, I suppose. So, I sign off.

