(August 10th, 1998)

"Don't stop just because you're on the right track--if you do, you'll get run over."
Wow. What a week at Jazz Camp! I made so many friends, learned so many things--about music, and about life. I honestly have no idea where to start, so here goes nothing.
The first good rush I had was when I saw some of my friends from All State Jazz. I was standing in line to get registered, and all of the sudden I saw Brynn Fowler (quite possibly the most talented soprano I know, besides Liz Cherry) rushing up to me, yelling "Joanna!!!" Tony Gould was beside her, his arms ready to embrace me. I kept seeing people I knew that whole day. People from jazz festivals, All State, and even one person that I had just met a month or two before from Soundsation people. It made me realize how truly small our world is.
Anyway, so we all got registered. I signed up for a vocal styling elective, although later I regretted it (I didn't learn much and I didn't really favor the instructor). We rehearsed the rest of that day, and then all fell asleep 'Round Midnight, on hard, cold gym floors. The 90+ guys at the camp had to sleep in batting cages. Hah! Weird.
There is way too much to go into detail about, and it would take probably about 50 pages to explain everything I did. But all in all, I thoroughly enjoyed camp. I learned so much--my sight-reading skills got better, I felt more liberated at the fact that I learned how to multi-task myself as a musician, and I got TONS of recognition. I made friends with several people on staff, Dave Cazier, Jon Hamilton and Sullivan all included. In fact, Caz wanted to offer me a scholarship to go to his school because he thought I was an amazing vocalist. God, he is a great guy. He found out that I have great belching skills, and he said, "Joanna, girl, I love you! I haven't had a good belcher in my group for years!!" So we had a belching contest throughout camp :) Sullivan wants me to go to his school too, he said I wouldn't even have to audition. And Jon just thinks I'm the neatest thing since sliced bread :) All in all, it was very gratifying for my ego. I didn't even feel weird when I had to take showers in front of other girls.
I just have to say that Frank DeMiero is amazing. He is warm, loving, and to think that he had enough dedication to spend 23 years of his life doing a jazz camp for wanna-be jazz musicians is so comforting. The love that circulated among that camp during that interim of time was immense. I hope to go there again next year.
To any of the jazz-campers out there who are reading this: I love you! That includes Brynn, Sean, Kris, Chiz, Rigel, Amelia, Jessica, Jada, Halina, and anyone else I failed to mention :)

