(August 11, 1998)

I've had an interesting few days. The berage (how the hell do you spell that word?) of jazz that enveloped me during the week of the Frank DeMiero Jazz camp certainly did not stop its flow. I've made a couple of friends that are so enthusiastic about music--Sean especially. I hung out with Brynn and Sean on Sunday (we went out to Broadway and then back at Brynn's house) and Sean again this afternoon. Both times, we were trying to think of who we could get in this new quintet (or possibly sextet) that we want to form. It would be: Brynn (soprano) me, (alto) Sean (bass) and we have no idea who else. So...we'll just have to wait and see. My God...it is so incredible hanging out with two people besides myself whose very soul lives for jazz, and the intelligence contained in it. And such talent! Sigh. If we can get this vocal ensemble going together, it would be great.
Today, Sean and I watched "Priscilla, Queen of the Desert." To say that that movie is intereresting would definitely be an understatement. :) It's Sean's favorite movie. He was singing along with the soundtrack. Funny, funny stuff.
I think on Saturday we're (me, Brynn and Sean) are going to go to the Woodland Park Zoo, since we can get in for free because Sean works there (haha). I haven't been to the zoo in ages, or so it seems. It should be an interesting experience.
I also went back to the high school today, to have a meeting with Mr. Tuttle. As soon as I stepped foot in the hall I felt this utter hatred filling my heart. And it was so eerie walking back in that choir room. Too many memories...too much hurt. I definitely was not prepared for that. It's like throwing a baby in water and expecting it to swim the first time. It was just so....so shocking. I hope to God, Buddha, Krishna, or whatever the hell is up there, that someday Mario Mazzoni will get his come-uppance. I hope that someday he will learn his lesson, and learn how much he hurt me, and realize what he did to another man's career. Sigh. Too many memories. Too much hurt.
It's easy to forgive.....but it is impossible to forget.

