August 18, 1998

"Well-timed silence hath more eloquence than speech." --Martin Tupper--
...Which explains my reason for not writing for a week. ;) Just kidding. I really have not had that much to write about. The only thing I can say is--I am happy. What used to be a quandary is now a
life of irrevocable bliss. I'm not going to say why. All I am going to say, is that my life has definitely gotten better. I know that there still will be some hard times (especially when the school year starts...ugh) but I have been granted with the strength of ten vanward men. *Contented sigh*
I haven't done all that much lately. I have been hanging out with my friends, such as Brynn, Sean, Debbie, Brianne, Sarah, Steve, and Rob. On Saturday, Sean got Brynn, Danielle (Brynn's best friend, she's really cool) and I into the zoo for free. We saw the butterfly exhibit, which was really enthralling...watching all the butterflies land on people who remained statuesque for thirty minutes at a time. They were beautiful (the butterflies, not the people) *grin* Anyway, on Monday I spent some time with Debbie and Sarah, since I hadn't seen Sarah since the beginning of summer, and since Debbie is going back to college tomorrow (I'm going to miss her!) We went to a restaurant on Broadway that Sean introduced me to, called Billetante Chocolates. It is now on my list for favorite restaurants. The atmosphere is romantic, the food is more than palatable (superb actually) and the prices are very reasonable. It's a great place to take your honey, I highly recommend it.
There's a person named Kris who I haven't seen since Jazz Camp. I know he'll be reading this, so I just wanted to say, "Kris...I miss you, and I wish I could see you! Too bad you live in freaking Anacortes (with a certain homo-hater...grr) Anyway, give your girlfriend a kiss for me, and I hope to see you soon."
Today I'm adding pictures from jazz camp and goth night, so if you are reading this and you haven't seen those yet, go to pulchritude. There will be a brief description of each event there.
I unfortunately do not have much else to say. Until I write again....a little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants.

