August 20, 1998

"Silence alone is great; all else is weakness." --Alfred deVigny
What an interesting couple of days it has been. Yesterday, I went to school to meet Kathy Moore, the new choir director at Meadowdale. She is an enthusiastic lady, with a sweet and understanding demeanor. She also doesn't have a whole lot of experience in jazz though, so I'm not sure if I can take her seriously or not yet. Does that make sense? Well, whatever...these are my own thoughts, but I would hardly call them transcendental. Anyhoot, Mrs. Moore put a LOT of responsibility on me and Adam Grupp's shoulders, since we are veterans of the ensemble and the most experienced (we were with Nathan In The Wee Small Hours of Impressions...anyone who knows anything about jazz will have just gotten that pun) This means that Adam and I are basically in charge of auditions, and we have to write all of the audition material. Sigh. Well, this evening Adam and I already got together and wrote it all out and chose the tunes. I won't bore you with details, but lets just say, choir directors do NOT get enough credit for their hard work!
I am going to be so busy once the school year starts. I have a whole new set of responsibilities ahead of me, as well as my own personal goals. My personal goals will have to wait until Impressions auditions are over, though. I just finished finding arrangements for Impressions to do next year...I'm going to run them by Mrs. Moore tomorrow and she will pick. I ALSO was in charge of granting section leader status (that was REALLY hard). I hope I made the right decisions...!! *biting fingernails* It is so odd, because Mrs. Moore says she wants to "step out of the way" and let us take charge. It'll definitely be an interesting year. Wow.
I also got together with Brianne and Rob yesterday, and made a huge batch of mashed potatoes (all three of us had a craving, for some reason). After the three of us ate from a huge bowl in Brianne's room, Rob and I plopped down on her bed and fell asleep for a good twenty minutes while she got ready for work. It was the weirdest day, I swear. Meeting a new choir director, compiling audition material, eating mashed potatoes, and napping. Hmm....:)
This Saturday I'm going to the Manhattan Transfer concert at the pier (hell yeah!!) so I'm pretty excited for that. I have never seen them in concert before, and I get to go with Nathan, David, Matt and Mark so I'm pretty happy. Life is stressful, but still a lot of fun.
I REALLY do not have much else to say, and before I start ranting, I am going to go...but I'll probably write a bit more tomorrow, too.

