September 12, 1998

Well, it's definitely been an interesting week or so. Apologies for my tardiness on writing would sound bathetic and trite, so I won't even bother. Wow. That was a mammoth redundancy if I ever
heard one. Hehe.
Anyhoo, so I guess I should update everyone on the status of my life. The 'rents are in Greece for a month visiting my grandmother, so I have the house to myself all day until about ten or eleven o clock. It is so peaceful! No one at home to tell me what to do, what I can't do, and where I can't go. I've been having friends over every day, and we've been having a blast. I assure you though, that all of our actions have been condign. We're a bunch of pretty good kids. ;) Also, school has started, and my classes are SO ass-easy. I think it's going to be a great year.
Let's see, so on Sunday we went to Bumbershoot and saw Squirrel Nut Zippers and ate tons of food with Brianne and Rob. Steve and Andrew were supposed to be with us, but Andrew kept complaining about his lack of fundage and decided to go his own separate way. Since Steve is lame like that and goes along with whatever anybody says, he went with Andrew. Oh well. C'est la vie. We still had a pretty fun day! Yesterday, Brianne and I ran some errands, including signing up for Swing Dance lessons at the Edmonds Parks and Recreation center. Some of our other friends have signed up for it, too. It should be an enlightening experience. Then, Brianne and I made dinner (fettucine alfredo with foccaccine bread!) It was delicious. Immediately afterwards we washed hers and my father's cars. I don't know what it is about that certain activity, but it is so zen-like. I just get in this mode of hard-working and I can't stop. It was awesome, though. What a great bonding activity that is. Anyhoo, after that, John and Adam came over and we watched some TV. All in all, it was a great evening.
I have turned over a new leaf. For two years, I've been depressed, sepulchral, and pessemistic. Now I am happy, sanguine, and positive about all aspects of life. Sure I am still the sarcastic, caustic literalist that I always have been, but now, I am just a little happier. Things have been going so well for me lately. I guess you can say that I have realized my own mortality. I mean, think about it. We're only on this earth just once...and for a very short time at that. Why should one be depressed? *Blissful sigh*
What a TRULY wonderful world this is.

